Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Royal BC Museum in Victoria

this week we went to the royal bc museum in victoria. i said i would put some pictures up, and here they are:

this cool spiked ball was hanging above the ocean exibit, try to guess how many spikes there are!

my brother wanted me to take a picture of this volcanic scene. it clearly shows the climate changes.

try to guess how many fish there are!

this is not a joke, this is real ice!

yo can't see it verry well, but this is a bear.

cool native!

this is a picture of the amazing totem poll exsibit that my mom visatid a 1,000 times!

isa horsey!!!!!!!!!!! it also looks just like the real thing.

cool water weel

my mom and my brother having lunch

my grandma and grampa having lunch.

my dad having lunch.

cool skelaton from the ocean exibit.

just like patriks rock...... except roomer.

the wooly mastodon.

tell me if you made this!

gramps in front of the car at the entrance.

Monday, March 23, 2009

canada trip launched: 3,2,1!

the drive here was amazing and took about 6 hours! we had to drive, take a massive boat, and the drive again. i will put up posts as soon as i can. like, going to mom's cafe, and showing you a collosial photo colection of our trip to the 2 musiams.